
Contact: Write @Joseph a Direct Message in the Slack channel ( with any questions, bug reports, or other inquiries.

If you are not yet on our Slack, request an invite via your account page on Roboflow and one will be emailed to you automatically.

Hours: We aim to respond as quickly as possible at any time. We’re most responsive during traditional business hours (9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eastern).

Resolution: Please report bugs! We fix more severe bugs first. We’ll keep you updated on when a given change for your issue is deployed.

Feature Requests: Make ‘em! So far, we’ve deployed feature requests within 48hr of request.


New and looking for a more detailed overview of Roboflow? Check out the Quick Start Guide.


We add context as we receive queries. Please send us your questions if you don’t find them answered here!


Uploading Images and Annotations

Preprocessing Options

Augmentation Options