
Looking to own a custom domain for your Notion content? This guide will walk you through how to find, buy, and configure your own custom domain. We'll be using Namecheap for purchasing and configuring the domain.

Why Namecheap Over GoDaddy?

I strongly recommend Namecheap over GoDaddy. GoDaddy tends to be more expensive and complex due to their upselling tactics. Namecheap is straightforward and often cheaper.

Step 1: Finding a Domain Name

  1. Go to Instant Domain Search: Visit to find your desired domain name quickly.
  2. Check Availability: The site will show you all the available domains for your chosen name.

Step 2: Buying the Domain on Namecheap

  1. Log In or Sign Up: If you don't have a Namecheap account, create one. Otherwise, log in.
  2. Search for Your Domain: Search for the domain you found in Step 1.
  3. Skip the Extras: You'll be offered additional services. Ignore these; they're not necessary.
  4. Add Domain Privacy: This is usually free and keeps your personal information private.
  5. Complete the Purchase: Buy the domain for a year or more, as per your needs.
